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Hi, I'm Carter.

See what I’m up to and check out some of my recent projects.


Pay It Forward

This is an app that I began building this summer, and the project I worked on for Y-Combinator’s Startup School program. People can purchase small items for strangers, and in turn, allows others to do the same for them. I really got creative with this app and had a lot of fun crafting, designing, and building the different features.

This is an app that I began building this summer, and the project I worked on for Y-Combinator’s Startup School program. People can purchase small items for strangers, and in turn, allows others to do the same for them. I really got creative with this app and had a lot of fun crafting, designing, and building the different features.

Download the App
Fall 2022
Fall 2022

Offset Your Emissions - NYC Tech Week

I made a fun mini site to make it easy for people who attended NYCTW to offset their emissions during the week. I wanted to make it creative and fun, so I made it 'Offset' themed, from the Migos group.

I made a fun mini site to make it easy for people who attended NYCTW to offset their emissions during the week. I wanted to make it creative and fun, so I made it 'Offset' themed, from the Migos group.

Take the Quiz!
Fall 2022
Fall 2022

Pay It Forward - Charities

I wanted to test a different direction of "doing good," so I made a website making it easy to donate to top charities. I wanted to see if young people would donate more often if it was made easier. Check it out!

I wanted to test a different direction of "doing good," so I made a website making it easy to donate to top charities. I wanted to see if young people would donate more often if it was made easier. Check it out!

Visit Site
March, 2022
March, 2022

Drippit iOS App

Designed in XD, and built with Swift. As a way to really expand my Swift skills, I built a fashion social media where people share their outfits, follow others, and create collections to organize all their different inspirations.

Designed in XD, and built with Swift. It's a fashion social media, where people share their outfits, follow others, and create collections to organize all their different inspirations.

Download Drippit
March, 2022
March, 2022

Drippit Website

I built a website for my iOS app, Drippit.

I built a website for my iOS app, using Webflow and help from Zapier. The home page is a recent post feed, so anytime a user posts something in the app, it generates an item on my page.

Go to Drippit Website
Winter 2021
Winter 2021

Supermall Banner Ads

I designed and created some fun banner ads, showcasing some of the best shops that we had available on our mobile app. A fun design project!

I designed and created some fun banner ads, showcasing some of the best shops that we had available on our mobile app. A fun design project!

November, 2021
November, 2021

Launch Box

Invite boxes to give to early users. Included invite cards with sign-up codes, 1 year of free at-home returns, do not post sticker, vibe card, and Supermall sticker.

Invite boxes to give to beginning users included invite cards with codes, 1 year of free at-home returns, a vibe card, do not post sticker, and Supermall sticker. They came in a box with a bow and velvet foam bottom.

January, 2021
January, 2021

CIVAS Website

As a Christmas present, I rebuilt my dad's company website. This helped me sharpen my Webflow skills, and give his site a much needed refresh.

For a Christmas present, I rebuilt my dad's Civil Engineering website. This helped me sharpen my Webflow skills, and give him a much needed refresh. Business is better than ever. Coincidence?

CIVAS Engineering
Fall 2020
Fall 2020

Instagram Swift Tutorial

I wanted to seriously learn Swift, and learn best from being thrown in the fire, so I started a course that taught me how to build an MVP of the Instagram app using the MVVM format. This became the foundation for my next project, Drippit.

2019 - 2020
2019 - 2020


After graduation, we moved to Pacific Beach, San Diego to pursue our parking startup. You can see me here dressed in a hot dog costume with Tyler, selling our spots and promoting our app.

May, 2020
May, 2020

YC Interview

Our startup, Drivewayz, was invited to interview with Y Combinator. While we ultimately didn't get accepted, it was an amazing experience and we were able to meet, connect with, and learn from so many amazing founders.

April, 2020
April, 2020

Be Better

During the beginning of the COVID pandemic, Tyler and I launched Be Better. Our goal was to connect people in need with people willing to help with groceries, prescription pickups, and more.

During the beginning of the COVID pandemic, Tyler and I launched Be Better. Our goal was to connect people in need with people willing to help with groceries, prescription pickups, and more.

February, 2020
February, 2020

Drivewayz Website

Designed in XD and built in Webflow, I rebuilt our company's website to reflect our pivot as well as UX/UI changes. (Hasn't been updated since summer 2020, so not all features work correctly)

Designed in XD and built in Webflow, I rebuilt our company's website to reflect our UX/UI changes, and also built an FAQ database to help users. (Hasn't been updated since summer 2020 so not all features work correctly)

Drivewayz Website
December, 2019
December, 2019

Drivewayz Rebrand

We built out a Drivewayz Brand Guideline to keep our brand consistent throughout our different platforms. We were obsessed with making the user experience the best it possibly could be.

We built out a Drivewayz Brand Guideline to keep our brand consistent throughout our different platforms. We were obsessed with making the user experience the best it possibly could be.

Spring 2019
Spring 2019


My senior year, I was invited to be a part of the first undergraduate VCIC team @ SDSU. We competed up at Google Cloud Headquarters up in Mountain View, CA and came in 2nd place. We had a star studded team consisting of (left to right) Arman, Alex, myself, Paige, Brian, Jeremy, and our amazing leader / coach John.

My senior year, I was invited to be a part of the first undergraduate VCIC team @ SDSU. We competed up at Google Cloud Headquarters up in Mountain View, CA and came in 2nd place. We had a star studded team consisting of (in order) Arman, Alex, myself, Paige, Brian, Jeremy, and our amazing leader / coach John.

Fall '17 - Spring '18
Fall '17 - Spring '18

Aztec Venture Group

I wanted to introduce SDSU students to the world of Venture Capital as well as meet some local VC's, so I started Aztec Venture Group, an on-campus Venture Capital club. We held events, and brought in speakers to talk about their experiences and the world of Venture Capital.

August, 2016
August, 2016


I built a website where you could copy your essay into the text editor, press a button, and make your essay longer.

My first personal coding project. It was a website where you could copy your essay into the text editor, press a button, and it would replace easy words and phrases with longer, more complex ones (and change the font size of the spaces 👀).